
These are some of our birds in action on the various experiences we offer

Many thanks to Peter Bagnall for the great photographs. If you would like to see more visit

Hope you enjoy the photos...

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Wesley, White-headed Vulture

Wesley, White-headed Vulture

Marvin, Black Kite

Marvin, Black Kite

Chris and Nikita, Steller's Sea Eagle

Chris and Nikita, Steller's Sea Eagle

Emma, Ruppell's Griffon Vulture

Emma, Ruppell's Griffon Vulture

Ebore, Chilean Eagle

Ebore, Chilean Eagle

Juvenile Goshawk pursuing a rabbit

Juvenile Goshawk pursuing a rabbit

Adult Goshawk pursuing a rabbit

Adult Goshawk pursuing a rabbit

A friend with Didge, Peregrine Falcon

A friend with Didge, Peregrine Falcon

Vera, Lappet-faced Vulture

Vera, Lappet-faced Vulture

Andy, Martial Eagle

Andy, Martial Eagle

Dyson, African White-backed Vulture

Dyson, African White-backed Vulture

Dyson, African White-backed Vulture

Dyson, African White-backed Vulture